Tak všem špílerům zdar. Konečně jsem se odhodlal sem taky něco napsat, tak doufám, že to nebude nakonec nějaká kravina. Jak už z názvu vyplývá, ... AKo vs QQ - o chiplead v Sunday Mini Millionu : Multi-table… Stále nad tím dumám, jestli to byl správný call nebo třeba i jasný fold. Je nás posledních 21 lidí, já 3. na chipech, soupeř 10. ... SM - JJ na SB vs UTG raise : Multi-table turnaje (MTT) poradna
Ace-king is one one of the most interesting hands in Hold'em and the suited version is the best drawing hand in poker. When you have ace-king you have a chance of not only hitting a straight or a flush but hitting the best one.
Basic Odds For Preflop Hand Matchups in Poker - Poker Junkie Basic Odds For Preflop Hand Matchups in Poker. 9 March 2005, By: Pokerjunkie.com ... (KK vs. 87s): KK will win 77% of the time (surprising to many newer players). Two overcards against two connecting smaller cards (AK vs. 76o): AK will win only about 62% of the time ... Learn the most important poker odds ... - My Poker Coaching Learn the most important poker odds, understand poker math and use it all to gain an advantage. Master all poker probabilities and count outs to win more! Learn the most important poker odds, understand poker math and use it all to gain an advantage. ... AK vs AT: 73% vs 27% ... Forget math, use these 11 Texas Hold'em odds instead [2019] Simple Texas Hold'em odds and probabilities for common situations. Includes preflop odds, outs, and percentages for flush draws, straight draws, and more. ... • Better kicker (AK vs. AJ): Better kicker is at least a 70% favorite. ... A lifelong poker player who moved online in 2004, Josh founded Beat The Fish in 2005 to help online poker ...
Flop Odds, Probability, Texas Holdem Poker, Tips, Odds, Tells
Feb 16, 2009 · What are the odds of being dealt AK while someone has AA or KK? Thanks 2+2 Shortcuts: Hand Converter 2+2 Books 2+2 Live Poker Casino & Cardroom Poker Venues & Communities Tournament Events Home Poker Cash Strategy Tournament Strategy ... AK vs AA or KK. Preflop odds - Winamax Pre flop Odds. In poker, it's crucial to know how to evaluate your chances of winning a pot, in order to decide if you have to call, fold or raise. Thankfully, all the basic percentages are quite easy to learn in Hold'em, as there are the many similar situations that frequently arise. Here are the most common pre-flop hand matchups: Poker odds - HomePokerGames.com Learning to calculate poker odds can be confusing for a poker novice. There is a very basic and practical Odds for Dummies at Cardschat that can help get you started before you delve into the mathematics below. As overwhelming as it may seem if you really want to take your poker game to a new level this is something you will need to study and get your arms around. How to Play Ace-King | Pokerology.com - The Study of Poker There is an old adage in the poker world that while stud is a game of live cards, hold’em is a game of high cards. There is a great deal of truth to that saying and it helps explain the love affair that exists between hold’em players and Ace-King – which is known throughout the poker world as “Big Slick” – and also what many call a suited AK; “Super Slick”.
Poker Math & Probabilities (Texas Hold'em) The following tables provide various probabilities and odds for many of the common events in a game of Texas hold 'em. Odds % Example Win % ... high kicker vs. Same card, low kicker AK v A9 75% v 25% 6-to-1 16.60% 3-to-1 24.00% Odds % You Hold Outs
Tak všem špílerům zdar. Konečně jsem se odhodlal sem taky něco napsat, tak doufám, že to nebude nakonec nějaká kravina. Jak už z názvu vyplývá, ... AKo vs QQ - o chiplead v Sunday Mini Millionu : Multi-table… Stále nad tím dumám, jestli to byl správný call nebo třeba i jasný fold. Je nás posledních 21 lidí, já 3. na chipech, soupeř 10. ... SM - JJ na SB vs UTG raise : Multi-table turnaje (MTT) poradna Ahoj, první problém s handou je, že openraiser je tight a do jeho UTG range se podle mně JJ nevlezou na stackoff a zároveň je ... TP vs reg : 6-max cash game poradna Jakuba Hovorky
Forget math, use these 11 Texas Hold'em odds instead [2019]
Opět zdravim Vim, že jsem sem dával handu včera a nerad bych tady spamoval mejma nepodařenejma handama fórum, ale chtěl bych se zeptat jakej na ... AK straith vs allin river : 6-max cash game poradna Jakuba… Zdravím, mám tu jednu handu. Zajímá mě jestli se ten river allin dá vůbec callnout. Popravdě jsem nad průběhem handy tolik nepřemýšlel a snap foldnul. ... AA vs reg-3betpot..turn? : 6-max cash game poradna Jakuba… Soupeř regulár, hrál asi 4 stoly.. pár orbitů zpět vycalloval muj 3bet s KK a na dry boardu sme se vytocily do AI vs moje ...
Calculate the odds for nearly any sitaution in nearly any poker game. ... Probability. AK vs 76 suited, AK wins 60%. AK vs QJ, AK ... AA vs 76 suited, AA wins 77%. Flop Odds, Probability, Texas Holdem Poker, Tips, Odds, Tells